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To Become Like Him
(Jenny Phillips)
(Video by Gilbor Camporazo Jr.)

       This video is about how we can withstand our life here on earth as an individual facing new challenges everyday. I made this video not to entertain, but to help individuals how to endure and to have a perfect brightness of hope through the contained message of this video.

       As a child of God, you, a special person, has a deep purpose here on earth. All you have to do is not to prove yourself to please other people, but you're here to please our Heavenly Father. As you apply this principle, God assures you His heavenly gifts such as having confidence in doing good things as well as having courage to face the future notwithstanding the bitterness of persecutions in your life.

Additional Info:

       The song "To Become Like Him", is one of Jenny's  releases from the album “Steadfast & Immovable: Songs for Youth 2008”. The album was released in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French, as well as recording some of the songs in Polish, Czech, Finnish, Russian, and Dutch. For more info about Jenny Phillips, please follow this link about Jenny Phillips.

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